Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

Well, I haven’t writing anything for this blog since September. Oops!

I don’t even have a good excuse for not blogging. I haven’t foiled a plot to destroy the universe as a crime-fighting hero. I haven’t mastered the art of interpretive dance. I haven’t even been writing an epic romance novel (a la the 1980s.)

What I have been up to:

I watched one of the worst movies ever made. (Rush … trust me, horrible!) I registered for a 5k in January, and I visited my college town and tailgated like I was 19.

The biggest news from the end of the year is our recent move! No, not another cross-country … that I am so happy for! As much as we loved our neighborhood on 14th St, we wanted a bigger place so we made the move to Capitol Hill. We love it so far! We moved in right before the holidays so haven’t had the chance to really discover everything but we are excited to go exploring in 2014!  We did find a great morning coffee spot for delicious lattes and sweet treats. If you are in the area, try the Curbside CafĂ©!

2013 has definitely been an interesting year. I am looking forward to what 2014 has in store.

I hope everyone has a blast this evening! I am settled in to the house with champagne, yummy snacks, and a roaring fire.

PS- Stay tuned tomorrow for a post with 26 goals for 2014.