Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oh where, oh where has my inspiration gone?

As I settle into life in DC, I have been trying to sort out how to move forward with this blog. I know I am witty and hilarious and a genius and ... Where was I? Oh yes, what to write about. I love to write about random things that I find amusing but I feel like this blog needs a new direction. ( reference to teen pop completely unintentional)

So here I sit on the seemingly longest flight ever trying to decide what to write about.

1. Fashion:

To write on style, one must possess style. Well that counts me out. Okay, so I can manage putting an outfit together ... after removing every article of clothing from my closet and sending way too many photos via text to one of my best friends... fashionista I am not. Now, I do read a ton of magazines, mainly fashion. I know people say this but I seriously have an addiction. I get 10+ magazines every month! Lucky, Cosmo, Vogue, Glamour, Marie Clare, Vanity Fair ... the list goes on. But, alas, in no way does this qualify me to write a fashion blog, so that's out the window. 

2. Cooking:

Unless its two main ingredients are garlic and olive oil, I can't make it ... so pass! 

3. Military Wife-ry

Hahahahaha yeah right! I have no advice on how to be a military spouse. Um... try having a positive attitude? Avoid the commissary on pay day?I have so much respect for my fellow military spouses and more power to ya if you want to blog about it but its not for me. 

4. Career advice

One must have a career first! 

Well friends, what does that leave me with? Political commentary? Save me now if that's all that's left.

Well I guess I'll close up shop. Sad!

Just kidding! Jeez relax! I like to hear myself talk way too much to even consider stopping this blog. I guess I will see where my (slightly loopy) mind will take me. And if you have any brilliant ideas of what to write about, please share! 

Xoxo, Gossip Girl

Sorry- I've always wanted to sign off like that on one of these post and I'm using my travel exhaustion as an excuse! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Whole New World

Well … I guess I need to admit it this point. There is no denying it. I am a horrible blog writer. It has been many months since I have posted anything. Not an amusing comment on pop culture, not a blurb, not even a poorly written haiku. Le sigh.

I have been meaning to post for forever but have yet to find the time. Now that I am mindlessly watching Buffy, Season 4, for the 700th time, I have no excuse. My hundreds of followers (well that’s just a tad hyperbolic) deserve a batch of my hilarious sarcasm and an explanation why I have been absent. My life of late has been rather hectic. And here is why:

Shortly after my last post, my husband returned home from his deployment. General merriment ensued. Life was returning to normal and we were preparing for the holiday season when things got a little crazy. He received word that we would be moving to DC … in just 4 weeks! I left my job and said goodbye to my friends (albeit reluctantly). I never thought leaving the desert would be difficult. I mean I cried when we first arrived. The Target was an hour and 15 minutes away for goodness sake. But, upon leaving, I realized how much I would miss my life in the land of eternal sunshine and fat pants wine night.

Over the last month, my husband and I have been settling into our new life in the city. We downsized from a 3 bedroom house to a 1 bedroom apartment. I am slowly developing a love/hate relationship with the Metro system. While my husband started a new job, I am realizing how boring unemployment can be. (I am also remembering how much I love to watch all my old TV shows … Buffy! Dawson! Friends!)

Now that 2013 is upon us and we are slowly approaching spring, I hope to gain back my dedication to this blog.

New city, new life, same sarcasm.